
21.09.2012 |

Sustainable Food Trust Launches Global Food and Farming Campaign

Sustainable Food Trust
Sustainable Food Trust Campaign Launch (Photo: SFT)

The Sustainable Food Trust’s (SFT) global food and farming campaign was launched in the UK yesterday. The organisation plans to build a global network of collaborative partnerships with individuals, organisation and those playing key roles within the wider food movement, to support collaboration and disseminate research and policy throughout the world. The Trust plans to work at all levels, locally and internationally, to build a body of better-informed public opinion about the impact of different food and farming systems on the environment, human health and society as a whole. The SFT will focus on disseminating the message that the capacity of food and farming systems to undergo a rapid transformation away from the present industrial model, towards a more resilient and sustainable alternative, will only be possible if it is reinforced by citizens who are well informed.

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