
04.12.2009 |

Soy and Agribusiness Expansion in Northwest Argentina

Geburtshaus Che
Photo: Judith/

A new report has been launched titled "Soy and Agribusiness Expansion in Northwest Argentina - Legalized deforestation and community resistance.

The cases of the Wichí communities of the Itiyuro River Basin and Misión Chaqueña, the Creole families of the Dorado River Basin and the Guaraní communities of El Talar". The report is published by CAPOMA (Argentina), La Soja Mata and Chaya Comunicación (Argentina), with the support of:

BASE Investigaciones Sociales (Paraguay).

This report provides important insights into the process of soy and agribusiness expansion, deforestation and eviction of indigenous and rural communities in North West Argentina

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