300 | Index

Biodiversity (continued)
as public good not recognized by markets,
research on, 56, 155-56, 158, 210, 265,
266, 266t
strengthening breeding activities, 210
and sustainability, 124
and transhumance, 13
and water law, 260t
of weeds, 217, 218
See also Environmental quality
Bioenergy trends and issues, 191-92
Bioethanol, 218n
biomass and policy changes, 22
biomass feedstock used for producing, 191,
cellulosic, 191, 192, 218-20, 219-20
diversion of food production, 10, 13, 219
environmental consequences of growing
crops for, 80, 87
and Eururalis foresight exercise, 157, 158,
158b, 159t
and global carbon balance, 220-21
and innovations in AKST, 209
overview, 47, 218-20
See also Biomass/bioenergy crops
Biohydrogen, 220
Biologically Integrated Farming Systems (BIFS),
Biology of animals and plants
knowledge as intellectual property of TNCs,
10, 21, 194
plant breeding, seeds and genetics, 40-43, 42f
productivity increases from, 21
See also Genetic engineering
Biomass/bioenergy crops
from agriculture and forestry, 13, 183, 238
as animal fodder, 88
biomass production for biofuels, 47, 158b
carbon in, 87
as fuel source, 22, 47, 80
and GHG emissions, 188
liquid fuels from, 153, 191
and natural resource availability, 181
recycling of, 226
and soil-related technology, 227
See also Biofuels
Biotechnology, 210, 217, 231-34, 232b, 234b
Bipolarisation of agricultural demand, 224b
Blue Baby syndrome, 6
Border protection
EU's Global Economy scenario vs., 158,
165, 175
and immigration, 27, 242
multinational food companies vs., 180, 226
pests and disease-causing pathogen issues, 218
as supply management technique, 31, 32
Bovine tuberculosis management costs, 99, 100t
Brundtland Commission, 189-90
Business interests. See Transnational and multi-
national corporations
CAADP (Comprehensive African Agriculture
Development Programme), 255
CAMBIA, 261n


aquaculture in, 57, 58f, 59, 59f, 61
bipolar farm policy, 31
economic development in, 11
Food Systems 2002 (1987), 45
genetic engineering regulations, 143^14
Market Net Income of farmers, 6
number of farms and farm size, 23f
protection of aboriginal rights, 12
rural and farm populations, 27f
voluntary organic standard, 48
See also entries under "NAE" and "North
Canadian Community Healthy Survey, 6
CAP. See Common Agricultural Policy
global strategy for a low carbon economy,
sequestration methods, 54, 82, 90, 161,
214-15, 259
Carbon dioxide (CO2), 43, 53, 87, 187-88,
187f, 218, 220
CBD (Convention on Biological Diversity),
125b, 175, 195, 261-62
CEC (Commission of the European Com-
munity), 137, 182. See also European
Cellulosic material biofuels, 192, 218-20,
219-20, 220t
Central and Eastern European Countries
(CEECs), 33-34, 34n
Central and Eastern Europe (CEE)
agricultural policies, 33—34
agriculture and food production changes,
29, 38, 67, 68
AKST organization, 131, 138, 196
and European Union, 28-29, 38
farm structure, 24-26, 40
food retail sector, 61—62
forestry and forest land, 54—55, 56
livestock in, 52, 53
NFPs in, 264
trade with other countries, 106, 106t
transition to market economy, 49
See also Europe; European Union; NAE
Centralization and consolidation, 195
CGE (computable general equilibrium) models,
155, 156, 223b
CGIAR. See Consultative Group on Interna-
tional Agricultural Research
Challenge programs (CPs), 257b
CIS. See Commonwealth of Independent States
Climate change
adapting to, 189-91
as AKST driver, 4-5
carbon sequestration methods, 54, 82, 90,
161, 214-15, 259
effect in NAE vs. developing regions, 9
methane, environmental effects of, 88
variability, and technologies, 186-91, 187f,
18 8f
See also Greenhouse gas emissions
CLUE-s (Conversion of Land Use and its Ef-
fects) model, 157-58
Coastal capture fisheries, 185, 210, 239^0
Codex Alimentarius Commission, 66, 236b


Collaboration. See Integration
Collective intelligence knowledge production,
165, 166
Commission of the European Community
(CEC), 137, 182. See also European
Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) in Europe
domestic price supports, 32, 94
and European Union, 32—33
and farm specialization, 48
founding and implementation of, 11,
31-32, 123
future of, 157, 175
organic cropping systems, 47-48
output and productivity trends, 49, 53,
108, 108 f
rural development support, 16, 28
single farm payments, 32
tariffs and import quotas, 32
Common products, 224b
Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS)
agricultural policy, 44, 54, 54f
economics and international trade, 164,
176, 177t
fertility rate projection, 163, 163t
food insecurity in, 6, 7f, 104
future of, 165
Communication technologies, 152, 157, 159t,
169, 170, 200, 246^8
Canadian health survey of, 6
CAP's support of, 16, 28
effect of migration from rural areas, 102—3
farming and rural population changes,
26-29, 27f, 28f, 97-98, 100-102,
101t, 102t
in forest areas of Europe, 56
and market structure changes, 34
rural, pre-WWII, 14
separation from food production, 92, 104
See also Human health
Competition Commission (UK), 64, 96
Complex systems, 214n, 215b
Comprehensive African Agriculture Develop-
ment Programme (CAADP), 255
Computable general equilibrium (CGE) models,
155, 156, 223b
Concept of Economic Rent on land, 223b
Consequences for AKST
in access, control and distribution of AKST,
agricultural labor and organizations, 180
in agricultural policies, trade and markets,
climate change and variability, 190—91
energy and bioenergy, 192
farming systems and farm structures, 178
in food consumption and distribution,
natural resource availability and manage-
ment, 185-86
organizations, 194—95
in science and technology funding, 195
Consultative Group on International Agricul-
tural Research (CGIAR)
challenge programs of, 257b
collaboration with others, 127, 128