
Page references followed by f, t, and b indicate figures, tables, and boxes, respectively.

ABARE (Australian Bureau of Agricultural and
Resource Economics), 155
Access, control and distribution of AKST,
Advanced Terrestrial Ecosystem Analysis and
Modeling (ATEAM), 190
AEA (agroecosystem analysis), 124
African Union (AU), 255
Agreements. See International treaties and
Agricultural industry
bipolarisation of demand, 224b
and climate change, 186-88
direct drivers for, 4, 172-92, 177t, 183f,
184ff, 187f
environmental consequences of changes in,
90-92, 91f
food consumption and distribution trends
and consequences, 172-75
and natural resources, 180-86, 183f, 184f
vulnerability to climate change, 215-16
See also Food and farming; Seed industry;
Specialization of agriculture
Agricultural knowledge, science and technology.
Agricultural knowledge systems, 248-51, 252b
Agricultural policies
post-World War II, 15, 23, 30-34
responding to climate change, 214—16, 215b
trends and uncertainties, 175—77, 177t
Agricultural research. See Research and
Agricultural Research for Development (ARD),
Agricultural Research Institutions (ARIs), 134,
Agrifood systems
actors in, 2
AKST options for improving, 210-11
alternative systems, 104
and application of AKST, 9
development of, 14—16
overview, 14-16, 22-30, 23f, 23t, 24f, 25f,
post-production sectors, 15
public control of, 141-44
and public policy, 16
quality turn, 2-3, 8
reducing detrimental effects of, 209
sustainability as goal, 8
wageworkers vs. management incomes, 7
See also Food and farming


Agroecosystem analysis (AEA), 124
Agroecosystems, 16, 127, 180, 210, 226-27,
229, 235
AKST (agricultural knowledge, science and
agenda and funding, 2, 133-38, 133f, 134f,
135f, 136t
agriculture R&D funding, 264-67, 266t,
and aqua culture, 61
challenges for, 16-17
current application of, 2—3, 8—10
direct drivers for agriculture, 4, 172—92,
177t, 183 f, 184ff, 187f
direct drivers for KST and, 165-72, 171t
economic impacts of agriculture and, 92-
99, 93f, 94ff, 94t, 95f, 96f, 97t, 98ff,
99f, 100t
enablers of, 266-67, 267b
environmental impacts of agriculture and,
81-92, 83f, 83t, 84t, 89f, 89t, 9 1f
in forestry, 55
forms and permutations, 4-5
future organization and funding, 192—95, 211
future systems and sustainable development
goals, 198-201
IAASTD reports' focus on, 3-5, 3f, 4f, 5f
indirect drivers, 161-65, 163t, 164tt
integration of KST and, 117, 126, 138, 153,
192-96, 197, 200
integration of perspectives, 117, 126—30,
127b, 128t, 197,211
interactions between NAE and other re-
gions, 254
interdisciplinarity, 248-51, 249b
key drivers for AKST and research/innova-
tion systems, 192-98
lessons learned, 118-20
and livestock productivity, 50-52
options for funding, 212
and pesticides, 45^6
social impacts of agriculture and, 99—104,
100t, 101f, 101t, 102t, 105tt, 106f
structures, funding and agenda develop-
ment, 119, 130^2, 13 1t, 133 f, 134f,
135f, 136t
See also Future for KST, agriculture, and
AKST; Innovative models and systems
Algal/cyanobacterial biofuels, 218-20, 220t
Alternative resource management strategies,
Animal production, environmental conse-
quences of changes in, 87—88


Animal welfare issues
desirability of high standards, 15-16
EU standards and compliance requirements,
intensive livestock production, 48, 52—53,
69, 88, 100-101
vegetarian movement in response to, 15
Antibiotic usage
in aquaculture, 89, 89f
in livestock production, 53, 80, 88, 101, 172
Aquaculture systems
antibiotic usage, 89, 89f
development and sustainability, 186, 210,
environmental impacts of, 80, 88-90, 89f, 89t
fish farming techniques, 57-61, 57f, 58ff, 59f
fish meal from coastal capture fisheries,
overview, 57-61, 57f, 58ff, 59f
sustainability improvements, 210
uncertainties and consequences for AKST,
See also Fisheries
ARD (Agricultural Research for Development),
ARIs (Agricultural Research Institutions), 134,
ATEAM (Advanced Terrestrial Ecosystem
Analysis and Modeling), 190
AU (African Union), 255
Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource
Economics (ABARE), 155
Beneficiaries, influence of, 138-139, 197
BIFS (Biologically Integrated Farming Systems),
Bilateral agreements, 144
Bimodal distribution of farms in US, 23—24
Bioassays, 170
Biodiesel, 218n
access to seed varieties, 213-14, 233b
and AKST, 228-30
of crops in NAE countries, 2
development of new crops, 216
and ecosystem approach, 124, 125b, 226
foresight exercises on, 155-56
in forests, 54-55, 90, 235, 235t, 238, 239
future of, 185,238
loss of, 8, 15, 52, 57, 81-82, 91-92
mechanization vs., 80
and plant variety protection, 42, 144, 195-96