Looking into the Future for Knowledge, Science and Technology and AKST | 159

Table 5-2. References to European foresight exercises related to Agriculture, Food, Science and Technology since 2003.

Scenarios for the Future of European Research and Innovation Policy

Proceedings of a STRATA/Foresight Workshop. 9-10 December 2003. EUR 21251.

EU Commission, 2003

Prospects for Agricultural Markets in the European Union 2003-2010.

Brussels, June 2003.

EU Commission, Directorate General for Agriculture, 2003


Sustainable Territorial Development of the Rural Areas of Europe

EU Commission, Directorate General for Research, 2004

Foresighting the New Technology Wave

Expert Group: http://cordis.europa.eu/foresight/ntw_ expert_group.htm Dissemination conference: http:// cordis.europa.eu/foresight/ntw_conf2004.htm

EU Commission, 2004

Prospective Analysis of Agricultural Systems

European Commission, Technical Report EUR 21311 EN. ftp://ftp.jrc.es/pub/EURdoc/eur21311en.pdf

EU Commission, IPTS, 2004

Key Technologies for Europe

http://cordis.europa.eu/foresight/kte_expert_ group_2005.htm The "Key Technologies" Expert Group has approached the future of several key technologies all crucial for Europe's future: biotechnology, nanotechnology, information technologies, communication technologies, transport technologies, energy technologies, environmental research, social sciences and humanities, manufacturing and materials technologies, health research, agricultural research, cognitive sciences, safety technologies, complexity research and systemic, research in the services sector.

EU Commission, 2005.

Emerging Science and Technology priorities in public research policies in the EU, the US and Japan.

EUR 21960 http://ec.europa.eu/research/foresight/pdf/21960.pdf

EU Commission, 2006

Using foresight to improve the science—policy relationship.

EUR 21967 http://ec.europa.eu/research/foresight/pdf/21967.pdf

EU Commission, Directorate General for Research, 2006

The future of key research actors in the ERA.

Synthesis paper. (Madeleine Akrich and Riel Miller).

EU Commission, Directorate General for Research, 2006

Emerging Science and Technology priorities in public research policies in the EU, the US and Japan

EUR 21960. http://ec.europa.eu/research/foresight/ pdf/21960.pdf

European Commission, 2006

Prospects for the Agricultural Income of European Farming Systems

Technical Report EUR 22506 EN

EU Commission, IPTS, 2006




Foresighting food, rural and agri-futures

http://ec.europa.eu/research/agriculture/scar/pdf/ foresighting_food_rural_and_agri_futures.pdf

FFRAF report


http://ec.europa.eu/agriculture/publi/reports/ scenar2020/index_en.htm

A scenario study on agriculture and the rural world.

Plants for the future

Stakeholders Proposal for a Strategic Research Agenda 2025. Including Draft Action Plan 2010. http:// www.epsoweb.org/catalog/tp/tpcom_home.htm


Agri-Food Industries & Rural Economies: Competitiveness & Sustainability: The Key Role of Knowledge


Downey, L. June, 2005

Green Technological Foresight on Environmental Friendly Agriculture



Prospective environmental analysis of land use development in Europe

http://www.eea.europa.eu/multimedia/interactive/ prelude-scenarios/prelude