28 | Central and West Asia and North Africa (CWANA) Report

2.5 Technology Transfer and Adoption 66
  2.5.1 Scaling-out approaches for technology adoption and transfer 66

Agricultural extension and applied research project: case study 66

    2.5.1. Farmer field schools 67
  2.5.2 Traditional knowledge in CWANA 67
    2.5.2. Plants 69 Water management 70 Water harvesting 70 Intellectual property rights 72
  2.5.3 Human capacity enhancement 72 Technology transfer and adoption activities in Central Asia and the Caucasus 73 Natural resource management 73
2.6 AKST and Its Impact on Agricultural Production and Development Goals 74
  2.6.1 Impact on agricultural production and development goals 74
  2.6.2 Options and insights for making more effective use of agricultural science and technology 75
  2.6.3 Dynamics influencing the role of women in agriculture 76
    2.6.3. Land and agrarian reforms 76 Migration 76 Conflict 76 Mechanization and technology 77
    2.6.3. Globalization trends 77

Key Messages

1. In the CWANA region, diversity in history and policies and natural resources has resulted in diversity in production, needs and trends. Development of AKST is uneven and differs from one country to another. AKST has promoted the initiation of a green revolution in a few countries. However, AKST has been ineffective in avoiding overexploitation of natural resources (water, soil and biodiversity), providing enough food, reducing poverty and removing social inequity. More attention needs to be given to the multiple functions and sustainability of agriculture.

2. The major factors that have negatively affected agriculture in the last 50 years are (1) the degradation of already limited natural resources (land, water, biodiversity); (2) extreme climate variability-recurrent and severe drought episodes aggravated by the severe effects of climate change; and (3) recent and rapid changes in organizing input and output markets (privatization, trade liberalization). In some countries conflicts, political instability and poor governance have hampered agricultural development.

3. During the last 50 years and despite these constraints, agricultural production and yields increased, mainly in the irrigated systems. In the rainfed systems, yields remained below the world average. High interannual climate variability and climatic hazards affect yields. Insufficient consideration of rainfed agriculture in AKST has been associated with major environmental and natural resource degradation in marginal lands. Despite important investment in AKST for irrigated areas, environmental problems expressed in overexploitation of water resources, soil degradation and pollution have occurred. Opportunities for organic farming are appearing, giving prospects for better incomes to farmers as well as protecting the environment. Organic farming is generally more environmentally friendly than conventional agriculture but may require well-planned policies and regulations to meet international standards.

4. Most countries in CWANA became water scarce during the last 50 years. As this trend will intensify in the future, problems of water quality are also expected to increase. Agriculture uses from 85 to 97% of water resources depending on the country (global average = 70%). It is also the primary reason for water pollution by pesticides and nutrients in groundwater, waterways, wetlands and coastal waters. In recent years these trends have begun to reverse through improved techniques, policies and strategies that encourage less exploitative water use, quality resilience, water protection, water harvesting, recharging and reuse, improved water use efficiency, water saving crops, drought-resistant varieties and better hydraulic infrastructure management.

5. Arable land resources in CWANA have been pressured by expansion of cropped area, overgrazing, loss of soil organic matter and depletion of nutrients and by the salinization caused by irrigation. Agricultural