88 | Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) Report


Figure 4-2. The key elements of the assessment for crop-specific bioenergy needs. Source: Adopted from FAO, 2006a.

Future trends in organizational arrangements and support. Current baseline trends show that for energy to be produced sustainably in agriculture the following options may be considered:

  • Energy options for specific development goals such as food security and agro-industry development;
  • Options for the entire “food chain,” assessing energy requirements including the critical linkages between agricultural production, agricultural-based industries (food, beverage, tobacco, and textiles), distribution and commercialization, and the rest of the economy;
  • Energy production that would allow sub-Saharan Africa to meet the projected two to threefold increase in agricultural energy requirements by 2010 relative to present levels;
  • The energy implications of low-input farming techniques such as integrated pest management, low-tillage cultivation, use of residues, green manures, and other organic fertilizers, which are projected to play an important role in sustainable agricultural development in the region;
  • Assess the technical feasibility as well as social, environmental, and economic costs and benefits of bioelectricity (e.g., from cogeneration or biogas).

The current weaknesses in institutional links and responsibilities between the various sectors involved in agricultural


agricultural policy and technology both as energy consumers and producer will have to be overcome through local, national and regional frameworks. These frameworks will also need coordinated planning at local, regional and national levels by up-scaling local needs and enhancing broad-based participation.

 Implications of policies on land tenure for biomass conversion to energy, which include property rights of both land and produce—such as biomass from forests—is generally weak in sub-Saharan Africa and their consideration will be key to sustainable bioenergy production and use in agriculture. Future initiatives expected to broaden technologically sound agrobioenergy development in sub-Saharan Africa and contribute to the provision of equitable access to sustainable energy from agriculture and for agriculture will have to as a prerequisite:

  • Raise political awareness among high level decision makers of the important role energy can play in poverty reduction;
  • Clarify the need for energy services for poverty reduction and sustainable development;
  • Assess the tradeoffs between food security and biofuels production at the local, national and region level;
  • Make apparent the need for energy services in national/ regional development strategies;
  • Encourage the coherence and synergy of energy related activities;