
12.05.2014 |

Argentine scientist, who warned of glyphosate health hazards, dies

Andrés Carrasco in Brussels (Foto: V. Gehrmann)

Dr. Andrés Carrasco, an Argentine neuroscientist who confirmed the devastating effects of glyphosate on embryonic development, has died aged 67. Argentina's national science council CONICET announced on Saturday the death of its former president, who had been in declining health. Carrasco, a professor of Molecular Embryology Laboratory at the University of Buenos Aires, was a widely published expert and a thorn in Monsanto's side: His 2010 study provided scientific evidence that glyphosate, the active ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup, the world’s top-selling herbicide, can cause serious embryonic damage. The study, published in the peer-reviewed journal Chemical Research in Toxicology, found that glyphosate leads to malformations in frog and chicken embryos when applied in doses much lower than what is commonly used in agricultural spraying. It also noted that these malformations were similar to human birth defects observed in GM soy-producing areas exposed to glyphosate.

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