
19.06.2012 |

UN’s Food Agencies join NGOs to demand G20 Address Food Insecurity

Oxfam calls on G20 to put Food Security on Agenda
Oxfam calls on G20 to put Food Security on Agenda (Photo: Victoria Marzilli/

International NGOs and United Nation’s food agencies have called on G20 leaders to put food security high on their agenda at the G20 summit in Mexico. Oxfam’s spokesperson Steve Price-Thomas said “The G20 is failing to address the most important drivers of the food price crisis: increased demand for biofuels, financial speculation on commodities, and climate change”. Oxfam activists went on to present, at an imitation G20 leaders ‘working lunch’, a to-do list in which poverty reduction and food security ranked highly. However, worries about economic crises in European countries are overshadowing other important issues on the agenda. Neil Watkins from ActionAid USA said the conference should focus on all economies, not only the largest ones. He also drew attention to the biofuel policies of G20 nations as one of the root causes of the hunger crisis, highlighting a recently published ActionAid report which illustrated how increases in US corn production for biofuels had the knock on effect of triggering a rise in food import prices in Mexico. Today, three key UN food agencies, FAO, IFAD and the WFP, joined with the NGOs to demand that the G20 redouble their efforts to fight hunger, issuing a statement with 17 recommendations.

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