
26.04.2012 |

Brazilian Congress approves controversial Forest Code

Aerial view of Amazon rainforest
Aerial view Amazon rainforest Photo: CIFOR/

On Wednesday, after several months of political controversy and constant pressure from the agribusiness sector, the Brazilian Congress approved substantial changes to the existing Forest Code. The new legislation grants amnesty to individuals who illegally cleared forests prior to 2008. According to environmental groups, the Forest Code weakens the protection of the Amazon rainforest, contributing to carbon emissions. Just a few weeks before the country is due to host the Rio+20 UN Conference on Sustainable Development, this vote “has cast a dark shadow across Brazil's reputation as a global leader in the fight against deforestation and climate change”, said Paulo Adario, Greenpeace Brazil. All eyes will now be on President Dilma Rousseff who could still veto the bill, or at least parts of it.

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