
17.04.2012 |

April 17th: Worldwide mobilisation for the International Day of Peasant’s Struggle

Via Campesina Poster
La Via Campesina Poster

Small-scale farmers, and organisations supporting them, are today marking the International Day of Peasant’s Struggle, commemorating the massacre of 19 landless Brazilian farmers in 1996. More than 250 actions and demonstrations will take place across the globe. The international farmers’ movement La Via Campesina is this year mobilising against the current trend of land grabbing: States, transnational corporations and hedge funds are depriving local farmers of their land and leading to increased hunger. “In the run up to the Rio+20 Earth Summit, farmers and supporters of the food sovereignty and agroecology movement are actively opposing the ‘greening of capitalism’ that is now promoted at the international level”, said Henry Saragih, general coordinator of la Via Campesina.

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