66 | IAASTD Synthesis Report

Figure SR-TM1. Trends in real commodity prices.



Figure SR-TM2. Level playing field.
global supply chains have been far less than optimal [ESAP; NAE; Global]. Building countervailing negotiating power, such as farmer cooperatives and networks, will be impor­tant to help resource poor farmers increase their share of value captured.
     Agriculture  generates  large  environmental externali­ties including accelerated loss of biodiversity and ecosystem services such as water cycling and quality, increased energy costs and greenhouse gas emissions, and environmental health impacts of synthetic pesticides [ESAP Chapter 3; Global; NAE]. Many of these impacts derive from the fail­ure of markets to value and internalize environmental and social harms in the price of traded agricultural and other products, or to provide incentives for sustainability. AKST has great potential to reverse this trend, aiding in the im­provement of natural resource management and the provi­sioning of agroenvironmental services.

Figure SR-TM3. Cost of coffee from farm gate to coffee shop.