Looking into the Future for Knowledge, Science and Technology and AKST | 201

and sustainability assessments are carried out on the impact of land-use changes and features of production and food systems, but the emphasis is on direct communication and feedback from local communities and ecosystems.
     Local and regional markets that are being developed give special attention to energy-efficient logistical arrange­ments. Different forms of community-supported agriculture, with shared risk and labor between producers and consum­ers, food circles, farmers' markets and direct sales flourish besides the horizontally integrated production-trade-con­sumption chains. The use of fossil energy for transportation is reduced accordingly and the added value of the food chain is kept in the region. Externalities are internalized, but that does not only depend on public regulation, taxation and economic incentives with regional variation. An important part of internalization depends on the proximity of different actors, mutual trust and social capital, and thus on direct communication and feedback from the local socioecological context. Local labels embracing the whole chain are being successfully introduced, and regional marketing ensures an adequate sales level.


5.6.2 Towards options for action
Choices about agricultural knowledge, science and technol­ogy (AKST) relate to paradigms, investment, governance, policy and other ways to influence the behavior of produc­ers, consumers and the rest of the food chain actors. They will have powerful impacts on which development and sus­tainability goals are achieved and where, both globally and within NAE. It is unlikely that all development and sustain­ability goals can be achieved in any of these futures.
     Outlining these four normative agricultural innovation systems before proposing options for actions should help decision makers to make coherent choices. As Seneca wrote "There is no favorable wind for the person who does not know where he wants to go." Knowledge about ongoing trends, uncertainties and possible AKST systems should help decision makers to choose among options for actions presented in chapter 6. Appropriate AKST investments and policies will require an appropriate mix of strategies that are in line with the potentials and constraints of different NAE regions and countries, but they must also address the broader changes taking place.


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