Index | 231

Convention on Biological Diversity, 102–3, 203
Corporations, transnational
conglomerates, AKST impact on, 108
food chains and, 42, 43
intellectual property rights and, 180
in life as it is scenario, 145
MERCOSUR and, 107
in order from strength scenario, 140, 143
in technogarden scenario, 156
Cosmovisions, 7, 9f
Credit institutions and women, 192
Creditworthy poor, 209
Cross-cutting issues, 182
Cultural marginalization, 193–94
cultural context, 25–27
development policies and, 192–95
diversity in, 2
knowledge, culture, and agricultural
development, 46–48
sociocultural characteristics of LAC, 44–45
See also Indigenous peoples
Deaths from agrochemicals, 60–61
of AKST system, 197
of financing, 207
of research activities, 91, 95
Decision making, participation and, 195–97
agricultural alternatives to Amazon burning,
environmental context, 22–25
as environmental impact, 57–58
extent and change of forest area, 24t
malaria and, 26
Degradation. See Environmental impacts
Demographic bonus, 204
Desalinization, 102
AKST investment impact and, 95–98
culture and development policies, 192–95
environmental development and search for
degradation solutions, 171–72
evolution of, development models, 12–13
knowledge, culture, and agricultural
development, 46–48
Participatory Innovation and Development
(PID) systems, 86–87
scenario implications for policies on,
social, 125, 129t, 138
sustainable, 171–74 (See also Sustainable
development scenarios)
territorial, 108
UN millennium development goals, 6, 17,
19, 21
Differentiated support policies, 201
Diffuse model, 178
Diffusionism, 192nn30
Earth Summit (U.N. Conference on Environment
and Development), 82, 202
Economic context, 20–22
Economic impacts of production systems, 62
Economic resources, availability of, 29–30
in adaptive mosaic scenario, 150
ethical principles and, 171
in global orchestration scenario, 125, 161
higher education systems, 182
in life as it is scenario, 147
local information education programs, 181
in order from strength scenario, 140, 161
policies for, 204–5
poverty and, 14–15
primary school, 181
secondary school, 181
teaching curricula, restructuring, 181–82
in technogarden scenario, 154
Einstein, Albert, 6
El Niño, 25, 102
EMBRAPA (Brazilian Agricultural Research
Institute), 183
Endocrine impacts of pesticides, 61
Energy balance, 42
Energy efficiency, 51f, 174
Energy inefficiency, regional trends in, 42
Environmental context, 9–10, 22–25
Environmental development and search for
degradation solutions, 171–72
Environmental impacts
agricultural general impacts, 56–57
aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems, 58–59
biodiversity declines, 58
coastal and marine ecosystems, 59
conventional systems improvement to
mitigate, 173
deforestation, 57–58
freshwater ecosystems, 58
land resources and, 28–29
of transgenics, 39
water contamination, 101
Environmental protection
in life as it is scenario, 147
in technogarden scenario, 157, 163
Environmental sustainability. See
current situation, 126t
in global orchestration scenario, 125, 138, 160
by scenario (overview), 132t
in technogarden scenario, 154, 157
as variable, 117t
See also Infectious diseases
Equity issues, cross-cutting, 182
Erosion, 28–29
Ethnic groups and cultural context, 26
Eurocentrism, 192nn30
Exports and imports, 37, 38f
Ex situ conservation, 102
Extension and technology transfer systems, 80
Fair Trade movement, 105
Family farming
food security and, 20b
marketing channels for, 191
social heterogeneity and, 44–45
See also Traditional/indigenous system
Family remittances, 22, 23f
Farmer to Farmer Movement (Movimiento
Campesino a Campesino), 27b,
55, 89
  Finance and funding
AKST funding amounts, trends, and
consequences, 98
budgets of CGIAR centers, Monsanto, and
Syngenta, 205f
of capacity-building, 208–10
changes in approaches to mobilizing
resources, 100–101
competitive funds, 100–101, 210
consequences of reduced financing, 98–100,
99f, 99t
decentralized, 207
decline in public investment, 104
development and impact of AKST
investment, 95–98, 96t–97t
environmental regulations and, 176
global investment in R&D, 105t
in life as it is scenario, 145, 148
policies for rural economy, 207–10
support institutions, 101
in technogarden scenario, 155
Fish and fishing
biodiversity and, 24
development of, 28
die off rate, 36
fish farming, 58
food sovereignty and, 180
marine biomass, 37
overfishing, 59
FONTAGRO (Regional Fund for Agricultural
Technology), 81–82, 101
Food chains
overview, 42–44
integration of soybean food chain, 44b
in technogarden scenario, 155
Food quality
in global orchestration scenario, 138
in life as it is scenario, 145
in order from strength scenario, 144
overview, 55–56
Food safety
overview, 55–56
biodiversity and, 60
in life as it is scenario, 147
in Mexico, 40
policies on, 201
transgenics and, 203
Food security
overview, 17
in adaptive mosaic scenario, 151, 153,
biofuels and, 203
current situation, 130t
in global orchestration scenario, 140
hunger and, 4, 5f
in life as it is scenario, 146, 149
in order from strength scenario, 161
policies for, 190–91
R&D for, 180
and rural sustainability in Belo Horizonte,
by scenario (overview), 137t
sub-model for, 124f
and sustainable agriculture in Cuba,
in technogarden scenario, 159
as variable, 118t
women and, 192