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Figure 3-5. Sub-model for the critical factor: urban food security. Source: Authors’ elaboration.

with “1” representing the point of least plausibility and “10” total plausibility. For ratings of less than 5, the specialists were asked to indicate (1) a reason justifying the assessment or rating, and (2) a suggestion for improving the plausibility of the description.

The scenarios were adjusted on the basis of that evaluation and also on the basis of comments and suggestions by other external reviewers. These adjusted scenarios are presented below.


3.4 Scenarios: AKST and Sustainable Development in LAC in the Future (2007-2030)
Table 3-3 presents the current situation of the indicators selected for the variables considered in this study of the future. Based on this table it is possible to identify that there are countries at present that are more or less vulnerable in relation to these indicators. Vulnerability is defined as “the weak capacity of an individual or group response to risks and uncertainty . . . ; a predisposition to a drop in well-be-

Figure 3-6. Sub-model for the critical factor: Environmental sustainability of agriculture. Source: Authors’ elaboration.