Looking Forward: Role of AKST in Meeting Development and Sustainability Goals | 119

Key Messages

1. Agricultural knowledge, science and technology (AKST) has an essential role in meeting sustainable development goals of reducing hunger, improving human health, reducing poverty, improving livelihoods, and attaining environmental, social and economic sustainability. Furthermore, it may help cope with scarcity of resources and food insecurity, which are major causes of conflicts. Increased agricultural productivity is a direct driver for reducing hunger and improving nutrition and human health in that sufficient and more nutritious and diverse food results in a healthier constitution and improved body defenses. Increased production may also help increase income, thereby reducing poverty and improving livelihoods of farming populations (economic sustainability). Livestock not only generates income for many poor families in CWANA but also increases their security by serving as “living banks.” Adequate farming practices allow for sustainable and efficient management of natural resources and enhance ecosystem services. AKST may thus reduce pressure on scarce or disputed resources and thereby reduce conflict potential. Holistic approaches in AKST therefore are appropriate for the multifunctional role of agriculture.

2. Agricultural productivity in crop and livestock production and aquaculture may be substantially improved in many areas of CWANA. However, appropriate measures have to be taken so that increasing productivity does not compromise sustainability of production with regard to ecological, economic and social aspects. Through intensification of irrigated production, certain countries in CWANA achieve the highest crop yields worldwide. Substantial increases in crop production can result from increasing soil fertility with organic and inorganic fertilizers, protecting crops against pests and diseases, controlling weeds, developing and using high-yielding species and varieties (derived through both conventional breeding and biotechnology) adapted to site-specific conditions (participatory decentralized breeding) combined with locally adapted mechanization. Integrated crop management practices that include crop rotation, integrated pest management (IPM), regular soil fertility analysis, and use of buffer and compensation areas may reduce negative effects on the environment of such intensification. Increased livestock production in CWANA to meet the rapidly growing demand for meat and milk products will probably have to be based on intensified mixed systems since land degradation due to excessive stocking rates on rangelands is already widespread. However, increased inputs in intensified systems require monitoring to avoid soil and water pollution and to safeguard animal and human health. Removing policy distortions that promote artificial economies of scale (e.g., in livestock production), developing approaches to let poor producers capitalize on the benefits of production, and regulating environmental and public health concerns will represent important challenges for CWANA decision makers.
3. Capitalizing better on the wealth of locally developed and modern technologies for improving the productivity of scarce water resources will allow for


substantially higher production or reduced water use in agricultural production, or both. Management factors that increase crop yield generally also increase water productivity. Optimal planting dates, appropriate soil management, mulches, windbreaks and protected production can reduce crop water requirements substantially. In rainfed production, maximizing infiltration of precipitation and reducing runoff, water harvesting, and using drought-tolerant varieties may further increase productivity of scarce water. Supplemental and deficit irrigation may increase water productivity massively. Water losses in irrigation and conveyance systems can be reduced by piping, lining and regularly maintaining the system; optimizing water distribution in the field using appropriate irrigation systems and scheduling irrigation properly can increase field application efficiency. Proper irrigation practices and the assurance of good drainage can avoid salinity. However, even the most sophisticated irrigation scheduling tools are of little value if systems for organizing, allocating and distributing water are deficient, and if the capacity to deal with these systems and the awareness about the importance of saving water are lacking.

4. Integrated water resources management (IWRM) aims to coordinate development and management of water and related resources. Involving all pertinent stakeholders in IWRM allows consideration of water demands in sectors other than agriculture. Major challenges of IWRM in CWANA include developing currently untapped water sources, preserving water quality, managing demand and handling transboundary
Potential for capturing currently untapped water resources exists through water harvesting, including dams and groundwater recharge, and using unconventional sources such as reclaimed, recycled, brackish, salty, desalinated water and fog collection. Preserving water quality is important for all water users; it may pose particular problems where agricultural productivity is pushed to use more agrochemicals. Managing water demand may include using water efficiently in irrigated agriculture, but also building awareness, handling incentives and disincentives with financial and economic measures such as water pricing, or trading in virtual water. IWRM aims at managing water and related resources efficiently in ways that will maximize the resultant benefits in an equitable manner for different uses in all sectors without compromising the sustainability of ecosystems. Participation in pertinent negotiations of all stakeholders involved helps avoid conflicts over water resources at various scales (watershed, canal, international).

5. The different forms and causes of land degradation in CWANA require specific approaches to reduce and reverse the degradation. Besides developing and disseminating sustainable land management practices that fit specific conditions, socioeconomic measures are required for widespread adoption of appropriate land management practices.> Land degradation in CWANA ranges from nutrient depletion and erosion through waterlogging and salinization to rangeland degradation and loss of productive land to other sectors. Numerous practices and technological options fostering sustainable land management at the field, farm and community or watershed