Page references followed by f, t, and b indicate figures, tables, and boxes, respectively.

AFPLAN (Regional Food Plan for Africa), 54
Africa Environment Outlook, 84
African Food Security Summit, 99
African Highlands Initiative (AHI), 104b
African Swine Fever (ASF), 15, 32
African Union (AU), 69, 107, 108b, 110
Africa Stockpiles Programme (ASP), 25
Agribusiness, 105
Agricultural biodiversity: African crop
    originations, 4–5; conserving, 116–118;
    definition/description, 4–5, 67, 116; loss,
    116; types, 116. See also Biodiversity
Agricultural development: donor funds, 99;
    farmer participation, 100, 101; governance
    role, 99; health and, 100; leveraging
    funding, 100; private sector, 11, 100; valuechain
    approach, 99. See also Research and
    development investments
Agricultural Market Information Systems
   (AMIS), 107
Agriculture: change, 10; definition/description,
Agrochemicals. See Chemicals
Agroecosystems: climate change effects, 5;
   tourism, 82, 93
Agroforestry: benefits/importance, 35,
   83–84, 118–120; challenges, 120; fallow
   systems, 63; fodder shrubs, 63–64, 119;
   mismanagement, 35; nitrogen-fixing trees,
   63; promotion, 35; research on, 63–64; soil
   fertility and, 119; tree domestication, 64.
   See also Forests
Agropastoral system, 30
AHI (African Highlands Initiative), 104b
AIRD, 55
Air pollution, 5, 39, 120
AKST: conflict/instability and, 57; coordination
    needs, 50; gender dynamics, 52–53;
    investment needs, 50. See also specific
Alien invasive species: biodiversity loss, 38;
    deforestation, 35; description, 38; fisheries,
    38–39, 82; management, 38–39
Alien species: definition, 38; edible wild plants
    and, 21
Aquaculture: challenges summary, 37–38;
    conflicts with fisheries, 121; eco-labels, 90;
    food security, 82; history, 38; improving,
    121–122; negative impacts, 38, 122; pond
    types, 38; potential, 38, 39, 98, 121;
     predictions, 89–90, 90t; productivity, 15,
     36; regulations, 90

  Aquatic ecosystems: alien invasive species,
   38–39; biological control, 38
ASARECA (Association for Strengthening
    of Agricultural Research in Eastern and
    Central Africa), 21, 54, 55
Assessment: description, 2, 3; uses, 2, 3
Association for Strengthening of Agricultural
    Research in Eastern and Central Africa
    (ASARECA), 21, 54, 55
Bacillus thuringensis (Bt): insect resistance, 57;
    production factory, 26
Biodiversity: Afrotropical biogeographical
    realm, 4; alien invasive species and, 38;
     climate change effects, 5; conservation, 98,
    117–118; deforestation, 2, 5, 35; ecosystem
    services, 4–5, 66–67; extinction crisis, 34;
    fisheries, 37, 38, 39, 89; land use change
    and, 2, 5; loss, 2, 4, 5, 34, 35, 38, 67, 83,
    89; Madagascar, 4; overview, 4–5; threats
    summary, 5; tree diversity, 67; tropical
    forests, 34. See also Agricultural biodiversity
“Biodiversity hot spots,” 4
Bioenergy: bioethanol fuel/potential, 40, 86,
    87f; biofuels, 40, 86, 87, 87f; climate
    change and, 87; food security/prices
    and, 87; modern bioenergy, 40, 86;
    needs assessment, 88f; overview, 39–40,
    86–89; projections, 86–88, 87f; sustainable
    production, 87–89, 88f. See also specific
Bioethanol fuel/potential, 40, 86, 87f
Biofortification, 122
Biogas, 86
Bioinvasion. See Alien invasive species
Biological control: aquatic ecosystems, 38;
    description, 26, 110; examples, 26, 55
Biomass: description, 39; efficiency, 39–40;
    problems with, 16, 39–40, 86, 120; use/
    statistics, 16, 39, 40t, 58–59, 83, 84, 86,
    119, 120
Biomes, 4
Bio-oils, 86
Biosafety of GM/GMOs: Cartagena Biosafety
    Protocol, 21, 51, 60; economic concerns,
    68; environmental concerns, 68; food/
    feed safety, 68; policies/regulations, 68–70;
Program for Biosafety Systems, 57; regional
    initiatives, 69; social concerns, 68
Biotechnology: conflict/instability and, 57;
    overview, 57; patents, 105; regional
    initiatives, 69. See also specific types
  Bovine pleuropneumonia (CBPP), 15
Bovine tuberculosis, 32, 34
Bush fallows, 22
Cape Floristic Kingdom, 4
Carbon sequestration, 82, 93, 119
Carbon trade, 82, 93
Cartagena Biosafety Protocol, 21, 51, 69
CDD (community driven development),
Cell phone technology, 59–60, 59f
Centre National de Recherche Agricole
    (CNRA), 54
Cereal: prices by crop (1997/2020), 91f; trade
    rates (1997/2020), 91f
Cereal production: types/locations, 19; yield
    rates (1967-2020), 91f
Cereal/root crop-mixed farming system, 8
CGIAR (Consultative Group on International
    Agricultural Research), 20, 50, 55, 58, 67,
    100, 105, 117
Challenge programs of CGIAR, 50, 55–56, 58,
    104, 104b
Chemicals: environmental problems, 25, 26,
    110; human health problems, 15, 25,
    26, 52, 110; improper use/effects, 25;
    monocultures and, 25; mortality from, 15,
    25; obsolete stocks/threats, 15, 25; safe
    use, 15, 110. See also Fertilizers, synthetic;
    Herbicides; Pesticides
CIAL (Local Agricultural Research Committee),
CIAT (International Center for Tropical
    Agriculture), 20, 55, 102
CIMMYT (International Maize and Wheat
    Improvement Center), 20, 112
Climate: land degradation, 111, 112; overview,
    5, 8, 83; uncertainty, 5, 83; variability, 5
Climate change: bioenergy and, 87; carbon
    sequestration, 82, 93, 119; carbon trade,
    82, 93; cyclones, 2, 5, 8; diseases, 8;
    evapotranspiration, 5; greenhouse gas
    emissions, 5; impact overview, 2; land
    degradation, 111; overview, 2, 5, 8, 62–63;
    precipitation, 2, 5, 65, 83; sea-level rise, 5,
    8; vulnerability, 5, 50, 62–63, 83; warming,
    5; water resources, 2
Climate change adaptation: building capacity,
    63; participatory approach, 101
CNRA (Centre National de Recherche
    Agricole), 54
Codex Alimentarius Commission, 74