148 | East and South Asia and the Pacific (ESAP) Report

Table 4-7. Major uncertainties and likely impacts in the ESAP region.

Key Uncertainties

Drivers of change directly affected

Implications for agriculture, food systems, products and services

Implications for development and sustainability goals in the ESAP region

Climate change1 Rise in: sea level temperature precipitation (2015-2075)

Demographic changes Economic growth Agricultural growth Trade Investment

•      Resurgence of tropical diseases
•      High morbidity rates
•      Reduced labor availability
•      Unpredictable employment opportunities
•      Factor productivity declines
•      Food prices increase
•      Unstable markets
•      Declining crop productivity
•      Cost of production increase
•      Animal and crop diseases increase
•      Preservation and storage crucial
•      Deciduous forests incapable of regeneration
•      Desertification increases
•      Unpredictable production estimates, quality standards, etc.
•      Futures markets collapse
•      Higher market regulation with increasing loopholes
•      Capital diverted to survival (food, health)
•      Returns to investment decline

•      Increase in poverty, hunger and malnutrition
•      Inequality, civil strife increase
•      Economic growth unsustainable
•      Natural resource degradation
•      S&T becomes emergency driven and legitimacy falls
•      Governance and decision-making become more centralized
•      End of capitalism2

Regional conflicts (water/energy) (2015-2030)

Water Energy Trade Economic growth

•      Irrigation water pricing
•      Production costs increase
•      Urbanization slows
•      Off-shore fishing collapses
•      Migration increases
•      China and India—efforts to contain domestic inequities
•      India—global collaboration for basic needs
•      Nuclear energy increases
•      Hydel power collapse
•      Non-conventional energy increases
•      Gains in off shore oil gas
•      Energy prices soar
•      Trade declines—tariffs increase
•      Regional cooperation collapses
•      GDP and agricultural growth declines
•      Public investment in maintenance/ compensation
•      Private capital shifts to EU/LAC/ Africa

•      Water conflicts— worsening law and order
•      Hunger and food crisis severe—global aid resolves some of it
•      Limited employment
•      Gender relationships, female labor options worsen
•      Economic development grinds to a halt
•      Investments in water/ energy saving, construction, agricultural and industrial production
•      South Asian trade blocks collapse—China or China + Australia dominate East Asian trade
•      China regional leader
•      Civil liberties curtailed

Global conflicts (2020-2030)

Fiscal / Political stability Globalization

•      China withdraws investments in the USA
•      USA3 attempts to contain Chinese growth
•      ESAP divided—Chinese vs. US allies
•      Collapse of WTO
•      EU vs. USA—sub-regional trade blocks
•      Labour/capital mobility constrained
•      Global trade declines
•      Markets/ investments shift to ESAP and LAC
•      Regional and sub-regional instability
•      Regulations increase

•      USA and EU unemployment increase
•      Worst global economic depression
•      Economic growth limited to some pockets
•      China dominates ESAP
•      Intra-regional alliances increases
•      Global defense expenses escalate