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izers and pesticides, the production of which is particularly energy demanding (World Bank, 2007). Increasing energy prices would thus raise production costs, which would be translated into higher commodity prices both regionally and internationally. As the share of energy in production costs is substantially higher for crops than for livestock, crop production is particularly affected by changing energy prices (OECD-FAO, 2006). However, since intensive livestock production is strongly based on cereals and oilseed meal, livestock products will be affected as well, although to a lesser extent. Higher energy prices are therefore expected to reduce trade volumes of most commodities, particularly crops, all the more so because transport cost will also increase. On the other hand, a further increase in crude oil prices may promote a shift towards bioenergy production.

5.4.3 Bioenergy
Developments in bioenergy production represent a major uncertainty for agricultural production and markets, and for achieving SDGs in general. High energy prices combined with increased biofuel production from food crops could lead to large increases in food crop prices by affecting both supply and demand (World Bank, 2007). Commodity prices for crops such as maize, wheat, oilseed and sugar may rise drastically (by 30-75%) (World Bank, 2007) and competition between food and feed uses and nonfood uses for particular crop sectors may result in major production and market changes (OECD-FAO, 2006). Not only would bioenergy crops be affected; through cross-commodity influence, production and availability of traditional foods and feeds might decrease. Furthermore, increased bioenergy production might accelerate land conversion from forest to agricultural use or from extensive to intensive production, which may—together with the escalating demand for livestock products—considerably affect the environment negatively through deforestation and degradation of land and
water resources.

It is important to note that the currently observed boom in producing bioenergy is mostly based on public support and encouragement (OECD-FAO, 2006). Such support may create market distortions that need to be better understood before pertinent policies are put in place. However, the economics of bioenergy, and particularly its positive and negative externalities, are not yet well understood and depend critically on local circumstances (Avato, 2007). These knowledge gaps related to increased bioenergy production call for investment in AKST research and development to produce more sustainable technologies that are adapted to smallholder farming systems. Research needs to develop second- generation biofuels that rely on agricultural and timber wastes instead of food crops, thus reducing the pressure on food crop prices and possibly contributing to the supply of more environmentally friendly supplies of biofuels (World Bank, 2007).

5.4.4 Climate change
Global warming is one of the areas of greatest uncertainty for agriculture (World Bank, 2007). So far, not all effects of climate change on agricultural production and yields have been included in crop–climate models. Nonlinearity of yield response to temperature above threshold levels can result


in high losses with moderate temperature increases that are not yet considered. The combined effect of higher average temperatures plus variability of temperature and precipitation, more frequent and intense droughts and floods, and reduced availability of water for irrigation is likely to affect yields negatively, even globally, and can be devastating for agriculture in many tropical regions. Assumptions about the magnitude of the effect of carbon fertilization are still debated although they are critical for predicting whether crop yields will increase under elevated CO2 concentrations. Climate change is also increasing production risks in many farming systems, reducing the ability of farmers and rural societies to manage risks on their own.
     Uncertainty regarding what climatic changes to expect is even higher in view of increasing evidence that these changes are happening at a pace faster than that until recently foreseen (World Bank, 2007). Proactive strategies and research are therefore crucial to face these uncertainties.

5.4.5 Genetically modified organisms (GMOs)
Worldwide, many people are eating genetically modified foods with no adverse affects on human health having been reported in peer-reviewed scientific literature. However, there could still be long-term effects on human health that have not yet been detected (genetically modified foods have been available for fewer than ten years). Although many field trials have been held, and in some parts of the world there has been large-scale commercial planting of genetically modified crops, work done has been insufficient to fully assess environmental effects, especially in the biodiversityrich tropics (OECD, 2000). Modern biotechnology has opened up new avenues and opportunities in a wide range of sectors, from agriculture to pharmaceutical production. Nevertheless, the scale of the global debate on GMOs is unprecedented. This debate, which is intensive and at times emotionally charged, has polarized scientists, food producers, consumers and public interest groups as well as governments and policy makers (FAO, 2001). Today, it is not clear to what extent the incredibly rapid expansion of genetically modified crop production and use in animal (particularly fish) production will continue, particularly in the developing world. Due to the intensity of the debate over GMOs, new discoveries may have massive effects, particularly on the demand side. In addition, neglected investment of GMO developers in traits and crops that will benefit the poor and weak regulatory capacity and systems fuel public distrust and ignite opposition of various interest groups to widespread GMO use (World Bank, 2007).
     People in general are directly interested in technological developments, yet obstacles to their participating in making decisions must be acknowledged and overcome. The public has not been adequately informed about applying gene technology to food production and the potential consequences on consumer health or the environment. With the confusing array of claims, counterclaims, scientific disagreement and misrepresentation of research that is present in the media, the public is losing faith in scientists and government. Widely communicated, accurate and objective assessments of the benefits and risks associated with genetic technologies should involve all stakeholders. Experts have the ethical obligation to be proactive and to communicate in terms